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Do you have leftover fresh fruits and vegetables? If you wonder what to do with them, we say put them in the freezer. How; Keep reading and you’ll find out.

We live in a country where we are not deprived of fresh fruits and vegetables. Many of us have a vegetable garden or know someone who does and regularly supplies us with all sorts of goodies.

If you find yourself with quantities of fresh products that you don’t have time to use (even with the bags that extend their freshness

The basic steps to freeze vegetables

After cleaning and chopping the vegetables, follow the steps below.

  1. Blanching: Blanching or blanching is not a food preservation method, but a preparation method, so that some preservation method, such as freezing, follows. It applies to almost all vegetables (and some fruits, but not all). The purpose is to inactivate or destroy the enzymes that cause changes in their color, aroma, texture and nutritional value during the period of preservation.
  2. Freezing: After blanching the food you have chosen, transfer the vegetables to a large bowl of ice water.
  3. Drying: Drain well and pat dry. Before freezing them, spread the cut vegetables in a single layer on a large tray and put them in the freezer. That way, they won’t stick together and you’ll be able to use the amount you need each time.
  4. Storage: Pack the frozen vegetables in special freezer bags and remove as much air as you can.




How to freeze 5 foods

1. Peppers: Remove the seeds and cut into pieces about 1.5 cm. Boil them for 2-3 minutes. You can defrost them either in the microwave (1-2 minutes) or in the steam (2-3 minutes).

we have tips for freezing them. It’s not as easy as buying ready-made frozen products from the supermarket, but not particularly difficult either.

2. Broccoli and cauliflower: Cut your vegetables into pieces (2.5-3.5 cm) and blanch them for 3 minutes. You can defrost them either in the microwave (2-4 minutes) or in the steam (2-4 minutes).

3. Green leafy vegetables: Remove any tough stems and/or fibers and chop if desired. Heat them for 2-3 minutes. You can defrost them either in the microwave (1-2 minutes) or in the steam (2-3 minutes).




4. Nectarines, peaches, plums: Remove the pits, cut them into six pieces and freeze them. Frozen fruit can be used just like fresh, but you need to thaw it first. Do not, however, let them thaw for several hours.

5. Strawberries: Remove the stem and cut the large ones in half.

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