
The 7 Most Common Hair Washing Mistakes | Nutrihumans

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Washing is a process that needs attention, otherwise it can backfire on you, not only with dull or wild looking hair, but also with hair and scalp problems.

The 7 Most Common Hair Washing Mistakes|Nutrihumans Men make various mistakes in skincare and haircare. I say this because I hear friends and acquaintances complain that while they spend time on their care, the result is not what they expect. When I start looking for what they’re doing wrong, I try not to be like a stern teacher telling them off. Skin and hair care has its own rules. It’s something like a science, since the products you use for it are based on an accurate understanding of the body’s function and cosmetology technology. Even women, who are more experienced in these matters, do not always avoid some mistakes.

Here I will talk to you about common mistakes in washing and caring for your hair , which can cost you the good health of your hair and scalp . There are a lot of problems that can arise from these mistakes: from a daily, unpleasant feeling in the hair to the worsening of a condition such as oiliness and breakage of the hair or dryness of the scalp . As I’ll show you next, it’s so simple to catch all of this!

The 7 most common bathing mistakes

1 . Most Common Hair Washing Mistake

Although you can distinguish the basic characteristics of your hair (you know if it’s oily or if you have dandruff, for example), ask your barber to make a diagnosis of your hair type and needs. This is the most important step in choosing the right shampoo for washing. Commercial shampoos are not full of words and specific designations on the label for effects: dandruff shampoos are aimed at those with dandruff, volumizing at those with fine hair, clarifying at those in need of deep cleaning because they use styling products, etc. ok




2. Most Common Hair Washing Mistake

Shampoos contain more complex formulations and more beneficial ingredients, compared to the past. In order for these to penetrate the hair and scalp, you need to let your hair soak under running water before applying the shampoo.

3. Most Common Hair Washing Mistake

The wise saying “ouch en tu pollo to eu” applies here as well (if I’m starting to look like the teacher we used to talk about with those ancients, tell me!). Don’t think it’s going to do anything spectacular to your hair if you dump half a bottle on it – let alone having to buy shampoo every three or so. On short hair, use a quarter-sized amount, on medium hair, a quarter-sized amount and on long hair, a quarter-sized amount.

4. Most Common Hair Washing Mistake

It will take you half a minute to a minute more to deal with the scalp. But you have to do it, because this is the “soil” on which the hair grows and grows, so it must be very healthy. Work the shampoo in with your fingertips or a wash brush, and you’ll thank me later for the feeling of freshness and cleanliness you’ll have.

5. Most Common Hair Washing Mistake

The washing step is important: it should not be done immediately after applying the shampoo , because its cleansing, tonic or nourishing substances will not penetrate the hair and scalp, nor in a hurry , because otherwise grease and residues will collect on them. Yes, I know, I act like a timer, but you have to wait 2 minutes before you wash your hair, but also spend as many minutes as it takes until you remove every trace of lather and shampoo.





6. Most Common Hair Washing Mistake

It’s winter, you’re cold, but very hot water is forbidden in the shower . As it dries the skin of the body and removes its natural oils, it does the same to the head.

7. Most Common Hair Washing Mistake

The conditioner makes the perfect duo with the shampoo, because it replenishes the hair’s natural oils, locks in moisture, softens and “fluffs” it. Periodically, you can give your hair small gifts with products you didn’t know you needed until now: a hair serum will noticeably improve the structure and texture of the hair, a scalp scrub will remove from the scalp every trace of product residues, pollutants, oil and dead cells, while a hair mask will make the hair stronger, elastic and resistant. If these products sound like luxury to you, trust me, they will make you feel satisfied that you are giving your hair that little bit more.

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