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Group exercise or individual training? If you think that the first one has nothing to offer you, the following text will change your mind.

Group exercise or individual? A fitness program in which you will sympathize with others, or “a monk who danced and jumped as much as you want”? Exercising alone obviously has its benefits? However, the same applies to group training/physical activities.

So, if you haven’t decided which type you prefer, we show you some of the benefits associated with group exercise.

1. You are accountable to the team

Think of something simple: Suppose you have to wake up early in the morning to do group training at the swimming pool TEAM EXERCISE . It’s kind of hard to skip it if a coach and a few other people are waiting for you to start. On the contrary, you can easily “burn” the visit to the gym if you get bored of lifting weights one day.

Whether it’s an informal group or a structured class with a trainer/gym, your participation is fueled by the team dynamic , guided and fired up by the energy of others. Plus, if you’re paying for the group lessons, then you’ve got to think about the money you’re spending , which is motivating in itself. Of course, don’t forget that if you don’t show up, someone will always ask you (even jokingly) why you “hanged” the team.


group exercise



2. There is a wide variety of group programs

Almost any type of exercise can take a group form. Consider running, cycling, swimming, Pilates, and circuit training . Of course, in gyms there are dozens of group programs (aerobic and muscle strengthening) from which you can choose to… suffer with others and not alone.

3. Your knowledge is enriched

There’s more to exercise than getting out of bed, putting on your sneakers and going for a run down the street. Instructor-led group classes can help you exercise safely, effectively and with proper form . For example, they “force” you to do a proper warm-up and cool-down, parts that you usually skip when you’re alone. Finally, the certified trainers can adapt the exercise program to your individual needs.


group exercise



4. Exercising with friends is motivating

Even if you have decided that you want to exercise, there are different types of motivation that can determine whether you stick with that decision. Group activity can be such a motivation and even intrinsic, meaning that you do something because the behavior itself is enjoyable, rewarding, or both. If you enjoy the exercise itself, not just the positive feelings you feel afterward, you’re more likely to stick to an exercise routine. Being with other people can be enjoyable , even if the activity itself is difficult or not something you’re crazy about.

On the other hand, if you rely on an extrinsic motivation, such as losing weight, then exercise can become less attractive and effective, especially when that motivation is lost.


group exercise



5. Group exercise builds habit

Exercising with others can make the whole process easier and cement it into your habits. It is part of human nature to shape his behavior according to what he sees in those around him. So if everyone around you is sweating and trying, you are more likely to do the same. Don’t forget, too, that your workout buddies are constantly nagging you and encouraging you to hit the gym or go for a leisurely run around the neighborhood.

Finally, don’t dismiss our competitive nature . A friendly rivalry over who can do more sets or complete the entire program can be what keeps you going.

That way, you’ll slowly build the habit of exercising and won’t waste energy trying to convince yourself to get off the couch.




“we” and “me”

“There are undeniable benefits to group exercise. Those who practice solely on their own lack the benefits of cohesion and support. As experts, we highly recommend group exercise. However, we argue that practitioners who rely heavily on their groups may be less resilient if required to practice independently, particularly if they suddenly lose access to their group,” writes Shaelyn Strachan, Associate Professor at School of Kinesiology and Recreation Management at the University of Manitoba.

“It is wise for group practitioners to cultivate a practitioner role identity outside of the group identity . They can, for example, set goals that they can achieve with the team, but also set goals for themselves. If you want to keep an exercise routine and stay flexible, it’s great to have a sense of “we” without losing the sense of “me”, concludes the expert.

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