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You can include oats in any meal you want. It will increase the satiety you feel while at the same time you will also take in a lot of fiber.

Oats are a cereal with high nutritional value . They are rich in fiber , vitamins of the B complex, iron, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium and zinc. It has many beneficial properties for the human body such as:

  • Cardioprotective properties: Contains beta-glucans, which help reduce “bad” cholesterol.
  • Better blood sugar regulation: Its high fiber content helps in raising blood sugar levels smoothly.
  • Weight control: It is one of the foods that cause satiety that lasts several hours after its consumption. This has the effect of reducing appetite and, by extension, calorie intake during the day.
  • Combating constipation: Its high fiber content helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal system .

We can include it in various ways in our daily life. Let’s look at some examples:




Heat the oats with a little milk and it will become like a light cream. Then, you can add ingredients of your choice. For example:

  • cocoa, banana and peanut butter,
  • honey, fruits and nuts,
  • almond butter, honey and apple etc.

In general, you can play with different fruits and nut butters to have variety in your breakfast.

Overnight oats

If you don’t have time in the morning to make your breakfast, you can prepare from the evening . Put plant-based milk, oats and some chia seeds in a jar, which help create a gel and thicken the mixture. In the morning, when it has thickened, you can add fruit, nuts or honey and consume it.


oat truffles



Oatmeal Truffles

Mix oats with tahini or peanut butter, honey and nuts. Put the mixture in the fridge for half an hour and then shape it into balls. If you want, you can cover them with coconut or couverture. You will have a quick and very nutritious dessert.

Cereal bars with oats

You can make oat-based bars and add honey, some nut spread and dried fruit.

Apple pie

Replace part of the flour with ground oats in the multi. This way you have a dessert rich in vegetable fiber.

Banana bread

You can use your leftover ripe bananas to make a healthy oat-based dessert.

Homemade granola

If you don’t want to buy commercial cereals, you can make your own granola with oats, honey and nuts.

oatmeal cookies

Karolina Doritis


Oatmeal cookies

You can add pieces of chocolate, dried fruit or nuts and have healthy cookies .

Replace the bread in the burgers with oats

This way you will have a more nutritious meal .

Add oats to your yogurt

Together with a fruit and some honey you will have a satisfying dinner.

Niki  Papaspyrou  MSc is a dietitian-nutritionist.

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