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One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose weight is thinking “I’m on a diet”. Does that sound contradictory to you? And yet, it is not!

The word diet , either because of past experience or because of the malpractice of “experts”, is intertwined with the word deprivation . So, in the case of weight loss, when someone starts by saying “I’m going to diet”, they immediately think: “What should I cut out, deprive myself of?”

This reaction is purely psychological. It’s like telling someone “think of anything you want, except a dog”. The first thing he will think of is the dog. Thus begins a vicious cycle.

Why does someone gain weight?

The reason someone gains weight is because they keep eating when they are full. Why is this happening;

Sometimes, the body’s own physiology is responsible. In this case, a certified dietitian can help you.

Another factor is the emotional part of the person who chooses to start a diet . Simply put, we are referring to what he is trying to “cover up” with the food . Is he eating because he is bored? Why did he have a bad day? Does he eat to calm down? To relax? To have fun? Does he eat so he won’t be hungry afterwards?

Finally, an important role is also played by the eating habits he has developed , which are usually formed since childhood. Has he learned, for example, to eat so that the food does not go to waste, why is it an insult to say “no”? Does he eat until his entire plate is empty?

If we want to achieve weight loss in a healthy way and in the long term, we should work on all the causes that make us eat more.


How does the way we chew affect our weight?



What can we do for successful weight loss?

On the one hand, there are those who are determined and self-aware. On the other hand, there are people who, while they want to lose weight, do nothing. They find excuses to put it off, or at best start, but soon stop trying and regain the weight they lost. Why is this happening;

First of all, because the brain does not want to “lose” . When someone says, “I want to lose 10 pounds,” they’re essentially reprogramming their brain to gain it back. Instead it is important to think about what he wants to gain by changing the way he eats and the way he lives. It is better, that is, to think: “I want to gain self-confidence “, “I want to wear medium again”, “I want to walk without sweating and panting”, “I want to feel that when I set a goal I achieve it”.

Second, it’s important to think about what you think has been standing in the way of your own weight loss efforts . His schedule? My job; Sabotaging his partner? The lack of free time? The lack of organization and planning in eating?

How does the way we chew affect our weight?



Thirdly, he needs to realize where the extra pounds have been making it easier for him so far . Where do they serve him? To this question, our first reaction may be “but nowhere”. And yet, our every behavior hides a positive intention. We eat the way we do for a reason.

Literally speaking, fat is insulation for the body. What is he protecting him from? What does it insulate him from? What will change, if his weight changes, in the balance of his family, his relationship? What does the extra weight give him? The role of the victim? Security; The attention of others? His excuses?

It’s important to remember that in order to lose weight and keep it off in the long term, we need to fill out enough that we don’t need the extra pounds.

Did I trouble you? You are well on your way!

The first step to change something is to become aware of it and then decide what we want to do. Enjoy the conversation with your dietitian and don’t rush to tell you what you “should” do!

Lamprini Moschou is a clinical dietitian-nutritionist, graduate of Harokopio University of Athens with a Master’s specialization in Eating Disorders and Obesity, NLP Wellbeing Coach.

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