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The myths spread about obesity create false impressions and stigmatize people who suffer from it. We break down four of the most common.

“We have the highest rates of childhood obesity in Europe.” You may have heard this sentence at a family table or at a gathering of friends or parents. Although most of the time I don’t agree with such aphorisms, in this case the evidence seems to be in favor of the above claim.

Scientific data show that obesity rates in Greece are not positive . Specifically, the country “is among the 10 European countries estimated to have the highest rates of obesity among women and children (5 to 19 years old) by 2030.” In particular, as far as children are concerned, we are in the 4th highest position, together with Bulgaria, Serbia and Albania.

Obesity is of course not a national but a global issue . A report by the World Obesity Atlas has shown that by 2030 one in five women and one in seven men are expected to suffer from obesity.

Tim Newman, editor at Medical News Today , in collaboration with Anna Guildford , a medical editor with more than 20 years of scientific research experience, analyzed in an online article some myths about obesity that we often believe. Below we write four of them.





4 myths about obesity

1. To fight obesity you simply have to eat less and move more

In many cases, consuming more calories than the body needs is the direct cause of obesity. And indeed, the vast majority of measures to reduce it aim to reduce caloric intake and increase physical activity .

Although diet and exercise play an important role, there are other factors that may play a role in obesity risk. These include insufficient sleep , psychological stress , chronic pain, endocrine disruptors and taking certain medications .

2. It always causes type 2 diabetes

Obesity is indeed a risk factor for type 2 diabetes . However, we must keep in mind that not all people with obesity develop type 2 diabetes and vice versa, that is, not all people with type 2 diabetes are necessarily obese.

3. Obese people tend to be lazy

Sedentary life increases the risk of obesity and physical activity certainly helps in weight loss.

However, just because a person is not physically active does not necessarily mean that they are lazy or bored. We must bear in mind that some physical disabilities may make movement difficult or impossible. Also, some mental health issues can seriously affect people’s motivation, even for a simple walk.

In addition, some people who experience this condition may have a negative body image , which further discourages them from leaving the house.

4. Does not affect health

Obesity is associated with health and mental health conditions. For example, it increases the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure , cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, and certain mental health conditions.

According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), even moderate weight loss is likely to have significant health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure and improving cholesterol and blood sugar levels.


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