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Are all dietary supplements safe? What is certain is that we must be cautious with their intake and always consult a doctor.

We could say that nutritional supplements are now quite widespread. Vitamins, multivitamins , magnesium, probiotics, prebiotics and many other preparations are part of our daily diet.

However, experts warn that we should not overdo it with nutritional supplements, nor take them recklessly. Some need to be taken at a specific time of day , not to overdo it with the dosage and definitely to consult our doctor .

In particular, there are certain nutritional supplements that the scientific community is wary of, and you should ask your doctor, nutritionist or pharmacist about whether and when you should take them.


food supplements



1. Weight loss supplements

Weight loss and health don’t necessarily go hand in hand – and the 2024 Best Diets report proves it. Many people who have usually tried a number of diets but are unable to lose weight resort to supplements that promise it. Research, however, shows that these preparations may not be so safe after all. A 2021 review looked at 315 clinical trials and found that weight loss supplements did not help participants lose weight. Furthermore, the review showed that even if a supplement did work, the person only lost weight as long as they were taking the supplement.

Instead of these types of supplements, prefer to make small changes to your lifestyle and diet while adding physical movement to your daily routine. This is more likely to help you lose weight over time – and keep it off.

2. Dietary supplements that interact with drugs

If you are taking any medication, it is essential to consult your doctor before starting to take nutritional supplements. Some of them may interact with medicines , increasing or decreasing their effectiveness and affecting our health. An example is vitamin K supplementation , which can interfere with blood-thinning medications.

In general, interactions between dietary supplements and drugs are an important health issue, so it is recommended in such cases to follow your doctor’s recommendations.


food supplements



3. Caffeine supplements

Caffeine is considered to be perhaps the most popular stimulant in the world, and some research has found that when consumed in moderation it can also have health benefits . However, high-dose caffeine supplements usually contain more caffeine than a cup of coffee .

Systematic overconsumption of caffeine can affect us in unwanted ways, such as by causing jitters, anxiety and nervousness , but also worsen certain medical conditions such as heart disease and diabetes . In addition, it can negatively affect our sleep, which is why caffeinated drinks are among the foods we should avoid consuming late at night .

If you feel tired or want something to stimulate you, it is better to drink a cup of coffee or tea with caffeine , and avoid supplements.

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