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(Photo by Karolina Doritis)

We remove the sugar from the compote and make a delicious, healthier version, with pears and apple juice.

Compotes are a light and easily digestible meal. They are traditionally made from fruit that is simmered in sugar syrup , as we saw in the recipe for homemade apricot compote . But there is also a very favorite way of making it without sugar, with apple juice instead of water Thus, the compote becomes pleasantly sweet.

To make it more aromatic, I add spices and other ingredients, such as herbs, to the juice that will be boiled, so we also get their beneficial components.

So here we prepare a nice pear compote , flavored with cinnamon, natural vanilla (pod) and fresh ginger, which give the pears and their “syrup” a wonderful taste.



Something important that we pay attention to when making compotes is that the fruits are ripe . If they are unripe, they will be hard and require more boiling, while their taste will be less sweet.

Correspondingly, we also avoid overripe fruits , because they will melt and not have a nice texture – if we have them, they are ideal for making jam!

Pear compote is fantastic with yogurt or ice cream , and you can add it to cereal and various breakfast bowls, such as those with oats, quinoa or chia seeds. Of course, I really like to enjoy it plain!

Recipe for sugar-free pear compote

  • Degree of difficulty: Easy
  • Preparation time: 40 minutes
  • Vegan | Gluten-free


sugar-free pear compote

Karolina Doritis



  • 5 pears
  • ½ lemon
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 1 Ceylon cinnamon stick
  • 15 gr. ginger, cleaned and cut into small pieces
  • 400 ml apple juice without sugar or additives


Clean the pears, cut them in half and each half in two. With a small knife, remove the central stem and seeds.



Karolina Doritis


Rub them with lemon juice so they don’t turn black.

Put them in a saucepan, add vanilla, cinnamon, ginger and apple juice.


Apple juice

Karolina Doritis


Bring to a boil, lower the heat and close with a lid.

Simmer for about 30 minutes, until the pears are soft.


sugar-free pear compote

Karolina Doritis


Because it is sugar-free compote, we can store it in the refrigerator, in a container that closes, for 5 days.

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