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If you are looking for a sugar-free dessert that you can enjoy at any time of the day, a pastry chef gives us four easy and quick recipes.

We love sugar -free sweets a little more, because they satisfy our sweet tooth without loading us with calories (and guilt) and they don’t lack in taste at all compared to the rest.

The confectioner Erifili Sepetadelli suggests 4 recipes for sugar-free sweets , which we can enjoy at all hours of the day. They are easy, quick and – most importantly – very tasty!

Sweet #1: Energy balls with raisins


sugar-free sweets

Eriphylla Sepetadelli



  • 125 gr. dried grapes
  • 1 tbsp olive oil or coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp honey (or maple syrup or coconut sugar)
  • 63 gr. almonds or walnuts
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp cloves
  • zest of an orange (about 3 kg) or lemon


Put the almonds in the food processor and beat them for a few minutes. Then, add the raisins and after they have been beaten enough, add the oil and honey, which we have previously mixed in a bowl. Then, add the rest of the ingredients, i.e. the zest, the cloves, and the cinnamon. Beat in the food processor for a few seconds. We add a little hot water and continue to beat our ingredients.

As soon as our dough is ready, we start forming small balls, which should weigh about 20 grams each. For coating we can use a mixture of grated walnut with cinnamon and cloves.

Place the balls on a small tray on which we have placed non-stick paper. Our energy balls are ready!

They keep in the fridge for two weeks and in the freezer for one month.

Sweet #2: Apricot bars


sugar-free sweets

Eriphylla Sepetadelli



  • 100 gr. royal dates
  • 100 gr. dried figs
  • 100 gr. dried apricots
  • 100 gr. hazel
  • 1 tbsp cocoa
  • grated hazelnuts, cocoa or hazelnuts with chocolate nibs for topping


We put the hazelnuts in the multicenter and start to beat them. Then, add the apricots and then the dates and figs. Beat the mixture until it becomes a dough that we can handle. Once it is ready, we can make it into small balls, bars or use silicone molds with patterns.

For the bars, spread the dough on a pan so that each bar is 1.5 cm thick. We estimate that we will make about 12 small bars. If we add a little coconut oil, we can also use the mixture as a base for cheesecake.

The bars keep in the fridge for two weeks and in the freezer for one month.

Sweet #3: Peanuts bars


sugar-free sweets

Eriphylla Sepetadelli



  • 195 gr. peanuts, salted or unsalted
  • 90 gr. royal dates
  • 110 gr. dried figs
  • 88 gr. cocoa
  • 120 gr. honey or maple syrup or coconut sugar


Pour into the food processor and beat the peanuts. Then, add the figs and dates and then the cocoa and honey. We continue to beat for a few seconds.

As we beat, we pour some hot water which helps to homogenize our ingredients.

As soon as our mixture is ready, we spread it on a small tray that we have previously covered with non-stick paper. And in this case, we can give our bars any shape we want and, accordingly, put the materials we like for the coating.

Dessert #4: Homemade hazelnut cream


hazelnut cream

Eriphylla Sepetadelli



  • 120 gr. hazel
  • 15 gr. cocoa
  • 1 tbsp vanilla
  • 73 gr. honey or coconut sugar or maple syrup
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 tbsp olive oil or coconut oil
  • 45 gr. vegetable milk


First, puree the hazelnuts in the food processor. Then, add the rest of the ingredients and beat the mixture for a few minutes. We will know that our hazelnut cream is ready as soon as the dough starts to come away from the bowl of the food processor.

We put our cream in jars and keep it in storage for up to two weeks.

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