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(Photo by © Katie Smith / Unsplash)

And yet, there are right food combinations. The way each food is cooked and served is not random. The right way of cooking and the combination of food, herbs and spices enhances the absorption of the nutrients in the food. So let’s see how foods should be combined and cooked in order to ensure all their benefits.


In legumes, we add celery, onion which are foods rich in vitamin C, to increase the absorption of iron in legumes.


Marinating meats before cooking: we use foods rich in antioxidants (olive oil, orange/lemon juice, mustard, herbs/sage/rosemary/thyme), which neutralize a large percentage of carcinogenic substances (heterocyclic amines), produced during cooking.

We always add lemon to grilled meats , which contains antioxidant vitamin C, which deactivates heterocyclic amines and increases the absorption of the meat’s iron.


Salad accompanies every meal , especially meat, since its vegetable fibers fill us up quickly, reducing the amount we eat and the absorption of fat we get from food. To the salad we add olive oil, avocado, olives, which are sources of good fats (monounsaturated, o-fatty acids), which increase the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), which the vegetables contain.

Legumes and grains

Legumes & cereals (bread, rice, pasta): legume proteins are deficient in some amino acids, which are supplemented by starchy foods and provide proteins of high biological value.

Right food combinations for a good mood

Good mood combinations to increase serotonin: Combine foods containing tryptophan (turkey, chicken, egg, fish, dairy, nuts) with those rich in magnesium (such as banana, dark green vegetables, almonds, sesame and tahini, sunflower seeds and dark chocolate) and zinc (shellfish, meat, eggs, legumes).

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